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In the material above an interesting relationship between the state of the economy and the state of the political institutions is posited, let's assume that this is real. To be specific:
States can be thought of as a type of engine wherein a "court" (the keys to power) work together to create/siphon wealth. If that wealth creation loop is divorced from the citizenry than the likelihood of a stable dictatorship increases, and conversely the needs/desires of the citizenry go ignored. On the opposite end of the spectrum the "court" in a democracy is compromised of block of voters (memetic entities) and the treasure is often directly tied to citizen well-being (hard to create innovative tech companies with starving illiterate citizens).
This structure is bimodal, stable resource based dictatorships, stable productivity based democracies. I think we are on the verge of discovering a third stable point in the space which I've taken to calling it crypto sovereignty. Compute has the potential to become the new oil especially with the mechanics of how both AI and crypto work. This could very well lead to the foretold cyberpunk techno-feudalist outcome. But unlike mineral resources that are by their very nature physically centralized and therefore have built in tendencies towards reinforcing winner take all dynamics, compute has the possibility of being completely decentralized in nature creating a new stable point not yet explored.
This stable point is quite libertarian in nature. As more & more productivity (and therefore wealth creation) becomes inherently tied to compute an opportunity for systems that reify individual sovereignty start to appear. In the current system democracies are stable because war destroys the very thing it's trying to capture which is a highly economically productive state. We might be able to start a movement that has the same relationship to states that democracy has towards dictators. Wherein the value is created stored and transmitted on cryptographically protected servers, such that attempts at value capture or community takeover end up destroying that very value and community.